Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Brother Odd (Dean Koontz) Book Review

The Brother Odd Book Review:

Brother Odd is the third book in this series. The second book was a little bit deflating but this book has certainly brought the series back up. It has a very similar style to the original Odd Thomas story. The plot is absolutely gripping and the characters are all worth reading. There were also a number of laugh out loud conversations between Odd and his new odder companions.

The only major problem I have with this novel is its length. The characters in this novel are amazing but some have almost no role to the story. While Koontz may be writing 2 or 3 books a year, I wish he could have spent a little time mastering this one. Odd Thomas isn't one of his ultra-fast paced thrillers. This is definitely close but no cigar for being a masterpiece.

It was definitely a winner though. This book is still a great continuation for the Odd Thomas series that you need to be reading.

What did you think of this addition to the series?

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