Monday, July 1, 2013

The Residue By Josh Hilden - Maine Book Co Ebook Review

The Residue By Josh Hilden

I tend to avoid making reviews about subpar work but I felt reviewing this story was necessary because of how close it could have been to readable. The Residue by Josh Hilden was definitely not a must read but it did keep me reading until the end.

The first notable problem with the story is the grammatical errors. While it's mostly sound, it includes many run-on sentences that distract a little from the intensity of the story and I don't even consider myself a grammar Nazi.

The second major problem is the downright messiness of the storytelling which leaves the story downright hilarious. It has the basic grotesque feel going for it but the excessive nature of it makes it feel like a silly old horror movie. That may actually be a plus for some people.

The ending of this story turns it into a very interesting read.

While I wouldn't personally recommend this story, it does show some interesting potential in a number of departments.

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