Thursday, February 21, 2013

Odd Apocalypse (Dean Koontz) Book Review

 The Odd Apocalypse Book Review:

You need to be interested in the Odd series to get this book. The series is worth reading from the start.

While Odd Hours was a very dark novel this one seems even worse. The story is set in a California estate and takes place over a single day. It's only a few days after Odd Hours. That makes it essential that you be familiar with what happened before. The pregnant girl from Odd Hours, Annemarie is back in the story. She has a very important but small part in this story. The ghost dog is also back.

Odd still is a master of using his words. He's bothered by the all the stuff that seems to go wrong but he always seems to keep a positive outlook. He's just a good guy. That's what I really enjoy about him. His attitude seems to make a most horrid situation breathable. He's a character that you really care about.

This almost felt like an interlude from the real Odd Thomas series but it was good as usual. Most of the people in Odds life don't make a real appearance in the story. It's mostly just the people in the estate. The only major issue I had was the excess of philosophy from Odd. It was a little too much for my tastes.

This was a very enjoyable story. The writing and characters are great. Odd is really the only light in this rather dark story. I can't wait to break into the next book in the series. The series as a whole is turning out great.
What did you think?

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