Monday, June 24, 2013

MBC Reviews - Sledge By Ernie Lindsey

Sledge is a tale that's woven tight. While only a short story, it creates a environment that the reader can nearly even breathe. Mary is a private investigator with a history that she wishes that she could forget. Sledge is the man that did it to her with, who would have guessed... a sledgehammer.

The story starts off with an eerie anticipation as all the pieces of the story are put on the table. The reader can sense that something bad is going to happen but it does a great job of keeping the specifics under wraps. When it starts to happen, it happens fast.

The intensity of the story increases at a lighting pace and drags the reader in by the ankles. At this point in the story you might as well be in a comfortable seat because you're going to be reading until the end of it. You can feel the fear of the main character as she sees how fast the usual night can turn into... Well, you'll just have to read to find out.

The story is very well written. The characters might as well be real people. Everything resolves nicely but you'll be wanting more. This is definitely an author worth looking into further.

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